In a move that PatRoW (and hundreds of other sources) boldly predicted last week , the White House has named Tony Snow as its new press secretary. Yawn. Will the new secretary be as far up Dubya's ass as was his predecessor? Snow's defenders seem to think he won't…and then the douche goes and opens up his own mouth
William Kristol, who worked with Snow in the White House of George H.W. Bush and was a regular panelist on ""Fox News Sunday" when Snow anchored the show, invoked the Fox News slogan in saying: "It will be good to have a fair and balanced press secretary."
Sounds good (and frankly, I always get a kick when someone uses the words "fair and balanced" in the same breathe as Fox "News"). What does the secretary say?
[Snow] has described the press corps as a beast that must be constantly fed. In a December 2000 column in the Washington Times, he referred to "Democrats and journalists (but I repeat myself)."
Yeah – that sounds fair and balanced. I can see the New York Times headline now: Secretary Douchebag, Part Two.
OK, maybe not the Times…but I can use the headline, right?
I would like to point out that the most objective measured study on
media bias can be found here:
If you don't want to read it I will summarize. The below list has
selected news reporting outlets. Based on who in Congress cited
material from the outlets (weighted by their ADA scores) the following
came up. The numbers represent their likely ADA score. 0.0 is
conservative and 100.0 is liberal. The study listed a few "moderate"
Senators and I put the one closest to the news medium in parenthesis
with the Senator's scores.
Fox News' Special Report 35.6 (Charlie Stenholm D-TX, 29.3)
Drudge Report 54.7 (Arlen Spector R-PA, 44.0)
ABC World News Tonight 58.7 (Ernest Hollings D-SC, 56.1)
NBC Nightly News 58.7 (Ernest Hollings D-SC, 56.1)
USA Today 61.7 (Constance Morella R-MD, 60.5)
Los Angeles Times 66.4 (Joe Lieberman D-CT, 66.3)
New York Times 67.6 (Joe Lieberman D-CT, 66.3) sorry, he was at the
top of the scale
CBS Evening News 70.0 (Joe Lieberman D-CT, 66.3)
The ADA (Americans for Democratic Action) scores that I found
independent of the study only go up to 2002. The lifetime scores of
some noted Senators: T.Kennedy (90), J.Kerry (92), P.Wellstone (99),
R.Grams (1)...and our current House delegation: Gutknecht (8), Ramstad
(33), Sabo (96), Oberstar (88) and Peterson (56).
Here is the link for the 2005 Senate scores (not included in the above
lifetime averages)
Now, let's talk about media bias. Especially from the NY Times, CBS & NBC. 1 out of 8 is right leaning, and you whine about them? Typical liberal nonsence.
"...the most objective measured study on media bias can be found here..."
I hope you can see the inherent irony in a statement like that. Why is this study more objective than any other academic report? Is it because it supports your theory? Please don't confuse opinion with fact.
I said that Fox News was unbalanced. Am I breaking any new ground with such a shocking revelation? Even your beloved "objective measured study" confirmed this. If I say that Jack Abramoff is a criminal, are you going to come back at me for ignoring the non-GOP greedy douchebags who should be imprisoned?
Typical conservative overreaction and irrational rage.
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