
I’d like to thank my chief strategist, Osama…

Addressing the American Legion National Convention in Salt Lake City yesterday, the Interloper gave some interesting justifications for why it is critical for the US to maintain its illegal war and occupation of Iraq:

Here at home we have a choice to make about Iraq. Some politicians look at our efforts in Iraq and see a diversion from the war on terror. That would come as news to Osama bin Laden, who proclaimed that the 'third world war is raging' in Iraq. It would come as news to the number two man of al Qaeda, Zawahiri, who has called the struggle in Iraq, quote, 'the place for the greatest battle.'

That's right – he went there. No longer content to let his VP make silly claims that terrorists are emboldened by a primary election, or his SecDef blatantly lie about the state of affairs in Baghdad, Dubya is now "proving" our moral obligation to fight by quoting Osama-freaking-bin Laden!

What a fucking douchebag. We have to fight because Osama says so? Since when does American foreign policy take its lead from oil-rich, Saudi extremists?

Oh yeah…

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