"Democratic" Senator Joe Lieberman debated his primary opponent last night at the same time CNN aired an interview Dubya and the missus did with Larry King. Salon asks an important question – can anyone tell the two douchebags apart? Let's look at some of their quotes:
1. "The decision to remove Saddam Hussein was the right decision and I'm absolutely convinced it was."
2. "And I believe it was the right thing for us to overthrow Saddam Hussein."
3. "Things don't happen quickly when it comes to helping a nation go from a tyranny to a democracy. But the Iraqi people were given a chance to vote and they did overwhelmingly. And now we're working with a new unity government, to help succeed.
4. "The situation in Iraq is a lot better, different than it was a year ago. The Iraqis held three elections. They formed a unity government. They are on the way to building a free and independent Iraq. Their military -- two-thirds of their military is now ready, on their own, to lead the fight with some logistical backing from the U.S. or stand up on their own totally. That's progress."
5. "I'd rather be judged as solving problems and being correct, rather than being popular."
6. "And I have asked [the people] to respect me for having the guts to take an unpopular political position."
7. "We will succeed in Iraq, unless we decide to quit."
8. " . . . we have a choice. And that choice is between helping the Iraqis achieve a free and independent Iraq or abandoning them and letting the terrorists take over."
So which one is George Bush, and which one is the one who proclaims himself "not George Bush"? The Republican president is responsible for statements 1, 3, 5 and 7. The Democrat senator -- for now -- can take credit for 2, 4, 6 and 8.
At least Lieberman didn't come out for the debate dressed in a flight suit and declaring "mission accomplished"…but why do I still get the feeling that he fashions himself Iceman to Dubya's Maverick?
Lieberman: You can be my wingman anytime, Georgie.
Bush: Bullshit! You can be mine, Joey.
Lieberman: Let's make out.
Bush: OK. Want a reach-around?
What? Am I the only one who saw Brokeback Squadron?
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