
Best Study Ever

After a victorious crusade to end the reign of one vicious cunt-rag witch, PatRoW took a much-deserved vacation. Apologies to the tens of you in the deep stages of withdrawal; your suffering days are over.

What lifted me off my lazy ass and back onto my soapbox, you ask? Only the most important topic in our society: teen sex!

According to a study presented at the 2006 National STD Prevention Conference sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an increasing number of teenagers are participating in oral and anal sex. Damn that's hot…but just how much of an increase are we talking about?

In examining the 1994 medical records of 2,598 12- to 25-year olds, and the 2004 medical records of 6,438 subjects of the same age, attending STD clinics in Baltimore, [Dr. Emily] Erbelding [from Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center] and colleagues found that over the 10-year period the prevalence of self-reported oral sex in the previous 90 days doubled among males (from 16 percent to 32 percent) and more than doubled among females (from 14 percent to 38 percent).

There was also an increase in rectal sex… Among young women, the prevalence of self-reported anal sex over the period rose from 3 percent to 5.5 percent.

Are you serious? One out of twenty high school girls is giving up the old Hershey Highway? How is that possible? When I was in high school, I practically had to pour a six pack of Zima down a girl's throat to get under her bra! I hate being one of those "back in my day" douchebags, but do today's high school guys know how good they have it? And what has gotten into the girls (besides a locker room full of cock)?

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